The term Peter Hess® sound methods encompasses the holistic relaxation method of sound massage developed by Peter Hess since 1984, as well as all specializations for its use in wellness and prevention, education and counseling, therapy, care and medicine.
In very simplified terms, a sound massage involves the use of special singing bowls – the Peter Hess® Therapy singing bowls – positioned on or/and around the clothed body according to a certain system and gently tapped. The harmonious sounds soothe the mind. The rhythmic sound vibrations loosen the body. The soul experiences space to unfold. Regeneration on all levels can happen.
With regard to the positive effects, in addition to the well-founded sound method and the high-quality singing bowls, certain principles that characterize the work of our members also come into play:
Our members have all completed a sound training and are professionals in sound!
The relaxing, stress, anxiety and pain reducing effects of sound massage make it a perfect tool for numerous fields of work. Thus, in the course of more than three decades, in accordance with the motto “from practice – for practice” at the Peter Hess® Institute, in addition to the sound massage training, more than 80 specialized seminars and numerous degrees recognized by our association have been created, reflecting the diversity of sound work. These include:
And maybe a little bush lives there. Be careful. You can always add more – but you can’t take it away.
The International Association of Sound Massage Therapy is a member of the umbrella organization of independent health professions
Internationaler Fachverband Klang Massage-Therapie e.V.
Dorfstr. 7, 27333 Schweringen
Tel.: +49 4257 – 9830062