Online Sound Symposium
on March 1st, 2025 ∙ 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. (via Zoom)
Lectures ∙ Practical impulses ∙ Selfcare

Requirement: none
Price: 89 € / 39 € for members of the Intern. Fachverb. Klang-Massage-Therapie e.V.

The sound massage is pure relaxation! Relaxation as the central basis for joy of life and health

The Peter Hess® sound massage and sound methods enable holistic relaxation and support health, personal development and joy of life in a unique way. Whether in wellness, prevention, pedagogy, consulting, coaching, therapy or care – relaxation forms the basis for our work. But Relaxation is much more than just wellness: It creates optimal conditions for activating self-healing powers, for learning, problem solving, personal development and much more.

Against this background, the sound symposium is dedicated to the general importance of relaxation procedures for our healthcare system. At the same time, the special effect and uniqueness of the Peter Hess® sound massage and sound methods as a holistic relaxation process are highlighted. Experts from different fields of work will show how this knowledge is applied in practice in an inspiring exchange session.

Look forward to an exciting combination of in-depth specialist knowledge, insights into research/projects and valuable practical impulses!
Get inspired for your professional sound work and at the same time collect new ideas for your personal self-care!


10:00 a.m

Harmony – relax yourself
Opening with Peter Hess

10:15 a.m

The importance of relaxation methods in our healthcare system
Dorothée Remmler-Bellen

subsequently: sound unit for integration

10:45 a.m

Lecture: Sound and relaxation – sensory fasting in sound as a guide to neurophysiological reorientation
Cordula Tolkmitt

followed by: sound unit for integration + PAUSE

11:45 a.m

With the relaxing sounds through all phases of life
Daniela Abel about her personal sound path and the versatility of sound relaxation

subsequently: sound unit

12:15 p.m

Work talk
The concrete effect and application of relaxation in various fields of work
with experts from wellness, education, advice, therapy and care

followed by: sound unit for integration + PAUSE

13:15 p.m

Research/projects around the Peter Hess® sound methods
Dr. Christina Koller and Ulrich Krause

13:45 p.m

Finale – sound self-care for me!

Sound journey with Peter Hess

14:00 p.m

End of the sound symposium

14:05 p.m

max. 15:30 p.m

Annual general meeting of the International Association of Sound Massage Therapy e.V.


Lecture: The importance of relaxation methods in our healthcare system

Antonovsky once said: “It is not circumstances that determine a person’s happiness, but how he deals with the circumstances.”
When it comes to the importance of relaxation methods in our health care system, many see a wide gap between desire and reality. We cannot change the reality as it currently presents itself in the health care system, but we can decide for ourselves how we deal with it. Then we are no longer victims of the circumstances, but the actors ourselves, making the decisions ourselves. This also means that we do not make ourselves dependent on the recognition of the health insurance companies, that we question our own conventional medical perspective.
Relaxation is significant and very important for people, especially in uncertain and worrying times. Relaxation helps to deal with stress more competently and to be able to reduce stress hormones; this helps to strengthen personal resilience and contributes to our immune system being able to protect us.
The holistic approach of the various methods that are united in the umbrella organization of independent health professions and of which sound is an important element, makes an important contribution here. The ethics and quality guidelines provide orientation and security for people who want to find more joy in life and health through relaxation.


Dorothée Remmler-Bellen

After studying mathematics, computer science and business administration, she worked as a teacher and headmaster. Since 2010, she has been offering seminars and workshops in the psychosocial area throughout Germany with her Center for Prevention and Psychosocial Further Training (ZPPW). The focus is on further training to strengthen health and life skills based on salutogenesis.

For the Professional Association of Preventologists, together with Dr. Ellis Huber, has developed various additional part-time qualifications for educators and teachers.

She took the lead in developing the salutogen-based training concept: GLK – Health and Life Skills® and trains trainers for this purpose.

She has been a board member of the Professional Association of Preventologists since 2012 and has worked for the association since 2010 as head of studies (daycare, school), concept developer and lecturer.

She has been a board member of the umbrella organization for independent health professions FG since 2014.

She is a lecturer at several state-recognized universities where she teaches salutogenesis, health literacy, health promotion and prevention.

She also advises daycare centers and schools on health-related issues.

In her private life, she volunteers as an emergency pastor.

Lecture: Sound and relaxation – sensory fasting in sound as a guide to neurophysiological reorientation

The targeted reduction of stimuli, in the offer of a sound intervention with the Peter Hess® sound methods, leads to the initiation of a new order in the neural system.
Emphasizing Peter Hess’ principle of “less is more”, recognizing its significance and implementing it, promotes the self-regulation of the organism. Sensory fasting is a guide in the reorganization of the sensorimotor control circuit.
The Peter Hess® basic sound massage offers an effective basis for strengthening body awareness. The awareness of our body anchors us in ourselves and leads to deep levels of relaxation. Training perception in the experience of the body creates space for security.
A balance is built between healthy activity, alertness, processing and the state of release, the emergence of inner peace for relaxation.
Fasting can bring about profound changes in body awareness, emotional regulation and the perception of closeness and distance.
Our brain is plastic and reacts to environmental influences. Long-term overstimulation leads to overload and a weakened ability to filter stimuli. Sensory fasting enables the brain to have a “reset” effect. The re-evaluation of information promotes neural balance.
The use of targeted sound interventions offers the possibility of providing positive stimulation to resolve learned stimulus-response patterns.
The basic sound massage develops a deep level of relaxation through the conscious perception of the body and enables a harmonious connection between sound and inner experience.


Cordula Tolkmitt

is an occupational therapist and has been working in her own occupational therapy practice since 1999 with a focus on psychological-functional treatment. Specialist therapist for psychiatry and psychosomatics in occupational therapy, certified sensory integration therapist, gestalt therapist and educator, trained in parts of concentrative movement therapy and body therapy. The body-oriented psychotherapeutic methods are based on developmental and depth psychological models of thought. In concentrative movement therapy and physical therapy, perception and movement are used as the basis for acting, feeling and thinking. Trained Peter Hess® sound therapist since 2020.

Lecture: With the relaxing sounds through all phases of life

Daniela Abel about her personal sound path and the versatility of sound relaxation

Sound is more than just relaxation – it accompanies me and us in various phases of life and areas of application. In this lecture I share my personal path to sound and show how versatile singing bowls can be used in everyday life and in various professional contexts.
As an expert in sound relaxation, I use sounds specifically as a wellness offer – to promote well-being, inner balance and as a powerful resource in self-care. Relaxation is the key to health and joy of life, regardless of the field of work or life situation. It not only supports prevention and self-care, but also supports recovery processes, care and even end-of-life care.
I will share practical examples and experiences from my work, show why relaxation is essential for our well-being, and how sound methods can specifically support people in different life situations. Look forward to an inspiring insight into sound work, supplemented by images and video material from practice.


Daniela Abel

is a Peter Hess® sound relaxation coach, Peter Hess® sound massage practitioner, KliK® practitioner and, since 2021, an authorized trainer in Peter Hess® sound massage and the Peter Hess® sound methods.
She worked as a care assistant and is trained in the areas of aromatic care and Ayurveda massage. In her practice “EntfaltungsRäume” in Geisa, she combines her diverse specialist knowledge and experience and volunteers as a hospice companion.
The former master hairdresser has also been working in the home office for the Peter Hess® Institute since 2020, where she advises those interested in the PHI’s continuing education seminars and degrees.



Peter Hess

worked as a teacher and qualified engineer (FH) for physical technology. Since 1984, over years of research and practice, he has developed the Peter Hess® sound massage and the sound methods based on it. As an internationally sought-after seminar leader and speaker, he works at home and abroad. He is also the author and publisher of various books and DVDs as well as the first chairman of the International Association of Sound-Massage-Therapy e.V.


Dr. Christina Koller(moderator)

Dipl. Social educator and received her doctorate from 2000-2007 on the curriculum development of Peter Hess® sound pedagogy and its practice. She has been a close colleague of Peter Hess for 25 years, a research assistant at the Peter Hess® Institute and a board member of the International Association of Sound-Massage-Therapy e.V.


Daniela Abel

Authorized trainer in Peter Hess® sound massage, Peter Hess® sound relaxation coach, KliK® practitioner, Peter Hess® sound massage practitioner, psychological-spiritual life ART consultant, volunteer hospice companion, care assistant according to §87b, aroma wellness practitioner, Ayurveda massage practitioner, beautician , master hairdresser.


Ulrich Krause

High school teacher and long-time research assistant at the Peter Hess® Institute, authorized instructor in Peter Hess® sound massage and sound methods since 2015. He is a board member of the International Association of Sound Massage Therapy e.V.


Connie Henning

Instructor of Peter Hess® sound massage and sound methods, alternative practitioner for psychotherapy, systemic therapist and supervisor, music and body therapist.


Angelika Rieckmann

is an occupational therapist and sound therapist in her own practice “School for Mindfulness” in Bad Driburg, trainer in Peter Hess® sound massage and sound methods at the Peter Hess® Institute, active as a speaker at home and abroad on topics such as “Sound in Neurology and Psychosomatics”, “Heart Coherence”, “Trauma-Sensitive Sound Work”.


Cordula Tolkmitt

Occupational therapist and has been working in her own occupational therapy practice since 1999, trained Peter Hess® sound therapist since 2020.