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Painting should do one thing. It should put happiness in your heart. We’ll play with clouds today.
Poor old tree. It’s hard to see things when you’re too close. Take a step back and look. Peter Hess Institut (PHI) You better get your coat out, this is going to be a cold painting. We start with a vision in our heart Peter Hess Akademie (PHA), and we put it on canvas.
Hess Klangkonzepte If we’re going to have animals around we all have to be concerned about them and take care of them.
Liste der Klangmassage Anbieter*innen
Even trees need a friend. We all need friends. Just relax and let it flow. That easy. Let’s put some happy trees and bushes back in here. We’ll take a little bit of Van Dyke Brown. Let your imagination be your guide. Brown is such a nice color.
And maybe a little bush lives there. Be careful. You can always add more – but you can’t take it away.
Der Internationale Fachverband Klang e. V. ist Mitglied im Dachverband Freie Gesundheitsberufe
Internationaler Fachverband Klang-Massage-Therapie e.V.
Dorfstraße 7, D-27333 Schweringen
Tel.: +49 4257 – 9830062